Filmek egy mondatban #ExplainaFilmPlotBadly
Péntek óta pörög Twitteren az #explainafilmplotbadly őrület, melynek lényege, hogy filmek sztoriját kell 1 mondatban, tömören összefoglalni. Legyen az vicces, kifordított vagy fájdalmasan egyszerű, a cyber-társadalom mozirajongó civiljei ismét kitettek magukért. Íme a kedvenceink. Lehet találgatni!
1. With the help of a drug smuggler and a religious zealot, terrorists destroy a government installation. — Dark Helmet (@DarkHelmetSB)
2. A cop that cant die, goes to an office Xmas party and takes off his shoes. — ALEXIS ESHEM (@Alexoxoxis)
3. Big unsinkable ship sinks, and a lot of rich people die. — Jason van Vuuren (@VvVuuren)
4. Woman in space gets chatted up by George Clooney then spends ages panicking on her own. — Paul (@MPCmonkey)
5. Hugh Jackman loses his memory and needs a pedicure. — Justin Boot (@Polymathically)
6. Slow witted ping pong champion and extreme marathon runner tells strangers his life story while eating choclates — Spence (@ITSpencer)
7. Man who fancies his mother goes back in time before going forward in time to go back again to go forward again — Tom Hocknell (@TomAngel1)
8. Guy who doesn't know he's a ghost follows a small boy around like a pervert. — Craig (@CraiggyPops)
9. billionaire orphan dresses up like flying mammal to beat up an asthmatic bodybuilder — fuzzy lumpkin. (@theotisprice)
10. Racially diverse group journeys to a volcano to destroy jewellery. — LOTR Reactions (@LOTRReactss)